Chapter 10, 11 and 12 (Rotational Motion)




Chapter 10


Hmwk Problem 10-Series (Rotational Motion)


Homework Solutions for Chapter 10--Rotational Motion (Fletch)

Homework Solutions for Chapter 10 (White)


Lecture--Chapter 10 (Fletch)--ppt

Lecture--Chapter 10 (Fletch)--pdf

Lecture--Chapter 10 (White)




Chapter 11


Hmwk Problem 11-Series (Angular Momentum)


Homework Solutions for Chapter 11--Angular Momentum (Fletch)

Homework Solutions for Chapter 11 (White)


Lecture--Chapter 11 (Fletch)--ppt

Lecture--Chapter 11 (Fletch)--pdf

Lecture--Chapter 11 (White)




Chapter 12


Hmwk Problem 12-Series (Rigid Bodies)


Homework Solutions for Chapter 12--Rigid Bodies (Fletch)

Homework Solutions for Chapter 12 (White)


Lecture--Chapter 12 (Fletch)--ppt

Lecture--Chapter 12 (Fletch)--pdf

Lecture--Chapter 12 (White)





Pretest for Chapters 10 and 11